Gabor Baumgarten - About Me, © Lukas König

I am Gabor Baumgarten, a German freelance cinematographer and photographer with a deep interest in creating emotional images, both moving and still. Based in Cologne, I've been working on commercial, narrative and music video projects for over 6 years now as a cinematographer and have photographically accompanied several events such as footballs games and concerts.

Grown up in Berlin's city life, I've been studying "Motion Pictures" at the h_da Darmstadt for several years, whilst gaining professional film experience as an AC and lighting electrician alongside. After moving to Cologne in 2024 I am more than ever interested in versatile collaborations and new experiences during creative projects.

My personal ambition on every project is to create a connecting between the audience and the narrative with an expressive visual language. Honest communication and receptiveness to new approaches is key to innovative, touching moving images.

I do own some camera and lighting equipment too, which is available for rent within my projects. You can find an overview here ➔ Equipment List

Feel free to hit me up for collaborations, I am looking forward to it!